CCRL Team visit to Stewart Glass
24 July 2023News
CCRL have three NZ based stained glass artisans working on different windows, obtaining independent advice from the NZ Heritage Professionals and the York Glaziers Trust, specialists in Stained Glass restoration projects in the UK. The restoration of the windows started in 2022 and will continue until early 2025.
In May 2023 the CCRL team visited the Stewart Stained Glass workshop, the Canterbury based artisans.
Stewart Stained Glass are currently working on a number of stained glass windows for the Reinstatement project, the Dudley window being the first. They are now working on the Rose window, which will take approximately 10 months to complete.
The Dudley window is of great importance as it is the prototype window being used to work through and understand the complete process of repair including the glass restoration, frame manufacture, stone masonry work for window repair through to being installed within the Cathedral.
The team enjoyed a hands-on tour of the workshop and now have a greater understanding of the processes, including the hand painting of new sections, how the broken sections are repaired, the intricate leading process and the kiln firing of the glass.
“All around NZ there are hidden treasures in the form of outstandingly talented individuals conducting world class work, yet their stories are often not told. I really feel like today we witnessed one of these first hand. Stained Glass restoration is a highly complex and specialist area. The attention to detail and the quality of workmanship in the Stewart Glass team is outstanding. Graham Stewart is a true master of this craft. It was great for the CCRL team to witness this for themselves and learn more about the stained-glass side of this project” Said Matt Tippen, Commercial and Project Manager CCRL .