Our Governance

The reinstatement of Christ Church Cathedral is being delivered by the charitable company Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Limited (CCRL). Working together with shareholder Church Property Trustees (CPT) they create a solid foundation for reinstatement.

Mark Stewart MNZM
Mark Stewart MNZM
Chair, CCRL
Mark has had a life long involvement with the Christ Church Cathedral.
He is a successful businessman and a passionate community advocate. Mark has been involved in a number of philanthropic community and building projects which include the Christchurch City Mission, the Hororata Community Trust and the Antarctic Heritage Trust which he Chairs, not to mention heavy involvement in sport and other community charities.
As Malaysian Honorary Consul, Mark was in the centre of the earthquake crisis and understands personally the significance of rebuilding the Cathedral as a beacon of recovery for the city.
Professionally, over a 40 year period, Mark has been a director of a number of listed and private entities across a number of industries from electrical, plastics, healthcare, animal nutrition and farming.
He is is looking forward to bringing life back into the Cathedral and rejuvenating the Square, Christchurch’s spiritual heart.

Rt Revd Bishop Peter Carrell
The Right Reverend Dr Peter Carrell
Chair, CPT
Bishop Peter Carrell is the ninth Bishop of Christchurch. Before being ordained bishop in February 2019, he was Director of Theology House and Director of Education for the Diocese of Christchurch; Archdeacon for Pegasus and East Christchurch (2018); Archdeacon for South Canterbury (2014–2018); and Archdeacon for Mid Canterbury (2015–2018). Ordained deacon 1986, priest 1987, and serving his curacy in the Parish of Shirley, Christchurch, he has served as a parish priest and as a theological educator in the Dioceses of Nelson (1993–2010) and Christchurch (1987–90, 2010–2018). Peter is a member of the General Synod of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.
CPT Trustees Robert Bijl, Brendan Chase, Simon Courtney, Peter Flannery, Rev'd John Shoaf, Sue Sullivan, Steve Wakefield, Chris Wilson

Steve Wakefield
Steve Wakefield
Steve has been involved with the reinstatement of the Cathedral since 2012 when he joined the board of Church Property Trustees after the earthquakes. Steve was a member of the Cathedral Working Group that confirmed the feasibility of restoring the Cathedral in 2013-14, an ex-officio member of the CCRL board on behalf of CPT since it was established and is now a Director of Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Limited. Steve is also an active member of the Parish of Fendalton and has been on their Vestry for around 25 years.
Steve has had a successful international career in accounting and IT consulting, and now focuses on commercial and not-for-profit governance and property development. Steve is a big supporter of the arts, and in addition to being a Trustee of the Court Theatre for over 12 years, he is the Chairman of the Ravenscar Trust, a philanthropic trust that created the award-winning Ravenscar House gifted to the Canterbury Museum.
In addition to Commerce and IT degrees, he has a Master of Civil Engineering in Construction Management from the University of Canterbury. His other governance roles have focused on cricket, grocery retail, food manufacturing, electric vehicles, and health.

Catherine Boyer
Catherine Boyer
Catherine Boyer has been involved in the greater Christchurch community since moving to Christchurch in 2002 with her family. She is pleased to support the Christ Church Cathedral’s rebuild, acknowledging its important history to Canterbury and the significant role it plays in the heart of the city.
After almost 20 years in veterinary medicine, Catherine shifted to a satisfying and diverse career in the not-for-profit sector. With a long-term interest in strategic philanthropy and its impact on communities, Catherine has worked with funders, organisations, and government to build a considered approach to giving and the impactful use of donated funds.
Catherine currently serves as the independent Advisory Chair of the Ben Gough Family Foundation after over 6 years as CE of the Foundation. She is a trustee of Camp Quality New Zealand which offers camps to children with cancer across New Zealand. She recently completed her term as Chair of The Court Theatre Foundation where she has supported the build of the new Court Theatre in the Christchurch Arts Precinct.

Bryan Pearson
Bryan Pearson
Bryan is a governor, business advisor and private equity investor drawing upon almost 30 years experience in Chief Executive and governance roles in the private and public sectors in New Zealand and Australia.
Recently retired as Chair of St Andrew’s College, Lane Neave Lawyers, Ethique Limited and Venues Otautahi, Bryan is a Trustee of various entities. His focus is now on extending his community contribution and giving back to Christchurch and Canterbury where he was born, and has lived and worked for much of his life.
His experience crosses a range of industry sectors in New Zealand and overseas including professional services, retail, manufacturing, global distribution, venues and events, healthcare, vertical infrastructure development and education.

Lindsay Crossen
Lindsay Crossen
Lindsay has had an extensive career in the business of infrastructure design and construction, including a decade as CEO for Fulton Hogan in both New Zealand and Australia. For the past ten years, Lindsay’s knowledge of large civil infrastructure projects supports his recent project leadership commissions to Ultra-Fast Broadband network installation in Christchurch, University of Canterbury building redevelopment projects for five complex buildings and The Arts Centre Reinstatement project in Christchurch. He is a professional engineer with affiliations as a Distinguished Fellow of Engineering NZ, a Fellow of NZIML and Life Member of Civil Contractors NZ.
As well as being a director on Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Ltd, he has previously had governance roles as Deputy Chair on Crown Irrigation Investment Ltd, Chair of the National Infrastructure Advisory Board, Director of Lyttelton Port Company Ltd, and a member of CERA Audit & Risk Panel.

Brian Nightingale
Brian Nightingale
Brian , a leading NZ construction executive, established BCSL in 2008. BCSL is a boutique consultancy company that specialises in providing commercial advice to the building and construction industry.
With more than 30 years of senior leadership experience and knowledge of construction in New Zealand, Brian brings a strong track record in client delivery, governance, dispute resolution, construction management, project management and quantity surveying. His work has encompassed most facets of construction, including civil, commercial and residential.

Ainsley Walter
Ainsley Walter
Ainsley was appointed as Director in February 2024 having held the role of Campaign Director for the previous two years. Ainsley has been involved in a number of fundraising projects and has a keen interest in the arts, particularly sculpture and more recently orchestral performances. She's Chair of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and Chair of the Hororata Community Trust.
Ainsley's background in strategic development and interest in philanthropy attracted her to the Cathedral project. Her skills in the areas of communications, fundraising and engagement, along with her enthusiasm and energy are great assets to the project.

Reinstating the heart of Christchurch and opening the Cathedral doors will once again allow the Dean of Christchurch, The Very Reverend Ben Truman, to welcome all faiths and none back into the Cathedral. While we are reinstating Christ Church Cathedral for information on Cathedral services, please visit the Transitional Cathedral website for details.
The Cathedral Chapter - The Very Reverend Ben Truman, Dean of Christchurch, Rev'd Brenda Bonnett, Ven. Mark Chamberlain, Rev'd Mandy Neil, Rev'd Cameron Pickering, Anthony Hughes-Johnson, Carole Muir, Jenny May, Susan Rendall, Malcolm Rickerby.
Image: The installation service of The Very Reverend Ben Truman as Dean of Christchurch on 29 November 2023